
Can you invent something to demonstrate energy transformations?

This week in STEM, the 3/4 class explored renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, looking at the pros and cons of each, and investigating the energy transformations that involved in the process by which these sources produce electricity (ex. wind energy transformed to kinetic energy of the turbine blades turning and generator spinning, which leads to… Read more Can you invent something to demonstrate energy transformations?

How is energy transferred when objects collide?

This week in STEM, the 3/4 class explored some topics related to their driving question: How can we create an invention that demonstrates energy transformations? This week, they focused on how energy is transferred from one object to another through collisions. They first designed a controlled experiment to see how the height of a ramp… Read more How is energy transferred when objects collide?

Exploring Energy

This week in STEM, the 3/4 class explored the topic for their fourth and final STEM project, energy and energy transformations! They started out with a card sort showing examples of six types of energy: mechanical, sound, light, wind, heat, and electrical. After sorting the cards into those six categories, they next investigated how one… Read more Exploring Energy

The Medieval Architects Start to Build!

This week in STEM, the 3/4 class finished their designs/blueprints for their medieval buildings. Groups of 2 or 3 were assigned a character from medieval society in Global Studies, and then used their character to brainstorm where they lived in the medieval village, what their buildings/houses were made of, who built them, and what architectural… Read more The Medieval Architects Start to Build!

The steps that architects follow: using floor plans to build!

This week in STEM, the 3/4 continued learning about the steps that architects follow. Last week they built structures and learned how to draw floor plans with a scale. This week, they started with floor plans and a scale, and had to figure out how to build a house with three rooms of the correct… Read more The steps that architects follow: using floor plans to build!

What steps do architects follow?

This week in STEM, the 3/4 class continued learning about Medieval Architecture. They learned about common medieval architectural features, and then had to fill out a “job application” to be a medieval architect, including a drawing of a castle they would propose to build that included these features. When they got their job applications back,… Read more What steps do architects follow?